Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Internship post 8: Wednesday, January 26 2011

7. How do you feel about returning back to classes next week? Do you anticipate a different experience of school now that you have been immersed in a work place? What are you looking forward to about coming back? What are you going to miss about internship?

I feel a bit excited about returning back to class, it would give me the chance to get back into the swing of things. The thing I am most looking forward to about going back to school is that it narrows the amount of things I have to focus on. This month I had to get my internship work and do stuff for school, doing the work wasn't necessarily difficult it was just hard to shift from two completely different mind sets during the day. As far what I am expecting, I am expecting the basics to be same, projects, a lecture here and there, nothing too out of the ordinary. I'm not really sure as to how things would change too much without getting away from the school's primary focus. I am also looking forward to starting biology, the first day of the month felt a bit betraying. We went into the bio class room but only to talk about internship.

There are a couple of things that I will miss once we start class. The biggest one being the fact that mine took place in the zoo. If things got a little overwhelming,or the day was going poorly, or whatever happened I could just go out and check out the animals. The people in the workplace were also very kind to me and one another. It just seemed like a really relaxed environment and that always takes a big load off.

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