Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Internship post 3: Tuesday, January 11 2011

1. Describe a technical/skill challenge you faced in that affects your ability to complete your project.

A skill challenge that I faced came in the earlier parts of the project. To start I had to do some researching, and after first trying it I did find some information. Once I showed what I had to my mentor he asked me to try going off on tangents a little bit more to see what else I could find that was connected to the plants that I was researching. Now getting into that type of mind set was difficult for two reasons. The first reason was that I am taught never to go off on tangents in school, and that I should stick to subject without trailing off. The second reason was that I hadn't had a freedom like that in my writing in a while so I did not know whether to limit my self as far as going off on tangents.

I spent some time looking through as much as could in terms of information, and spent a bit more trying to filter it. It took a few hours for this idea to sink in, but eventually I got it. It did set me back for a bit since I spent maybe an entire day researching before I was given such freedom. I think my next challenge is to play a bit of catch-up with my work.

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