Thursday, January 6, 2011

Internship Post 1: Thursday, January 06 2011

6. Describe the company culture at your internship, including how people interact, communicate and work together.

The company culture feels extremely relaxed and casual at where I am interning. Employees talk to each other like they've known each other for years (and perhaps they have) as apposed to the uptight cliche buisenss talk that I had originally expected . It also really did remind me of how people interact with others during class and how it may differ from day to day. At school when the day isn't extremely busy we take a bit more down time and relax more during the day, however on a more busy day it's a bit more quiet and everyone is at work (or at least they're supposed to be). In my first two days I got to experience both.

On the very first day I got to see everyone acting a bit relaxed, not to the point where nothing was getting done, but it did certainly give a very casual impression. There was a lot of conversation Today, everything seemed much busier, but it the employees didn't really collaborate, they would stop by each other's offices, say a few words and then go back. It appeared as if everyone already knew what to do because it was quiet day for the most part.

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